I never believe the term do good and shall receive good due to many reasons
1) Good people always get cheated in whatever reason
e.g u treat someone good without knowing that person is just trying to take advantage of you
have u encounter while eating some old and worn out clothing asking for some extras from you. Did you give without exception, or without thinking he/she has hands and leg why cant she earn and find a job, why must i give?
2) You have thrust your loyalty and trust over a person without knowing being used
e.g a bf cheated on you over your trust
many have encounter this before and so did someone i know whom i love now. to me, no matter how much of trust, there should always be a 'reserve' for yourself so that one day if it might happen, at least have the courage to say life goes on
3) Giving way while driving, without knowing this person does more than just cutting queue
e.g without a hand gesture of gratitude, someone just cut in your lane with head held up high
I hate it when it comes to a junction, giving someone way but without a simple gratitude. Is driving 101, when one gives u the way all he wanted to take is just a simple gesture. is call give and take.
4) Taking advantage over government service
e.g using ambulance to cut queue
i have witness drivers giving way for the ambulance, however someone from such "nice samaritans" took the advantage and follow the ambulance behind to cut the jam. i was thinking one day such people will really end up following to the hospital.
Well first of, was busy balancing Uni and cheap labour life. For such, is pretty difficult to update, lol bf say is dmati-ing lo... =.=! okok
Sudden karma topic was up due to today's incident. Went to Mid Valley after Wesak Prayers at about 1pm and was heading to Zon G parking. Somehow a car with 3 passenger was stuck at the first parking ticket machine having car rushing into the 2nd parking ticket machine, knowing that if I give way to this person, he might get the parking space first (kiasu la tu). When is my turn to get the parking ticket, i gave him the way, gave him to reverse and move to the 2nd ticket machine with having several hand gesture which pleases me. I felt the worthiness of giving the way whom someone in-need.
As i went in looking for parking space, there is this Saga coming out, however a Proton Wira was already waiting for it, i said "how unfortunate" with disappointment. However, the Proton Wira drove off and gave me the parking space instead. Then it strikes me, the person gave me the parking space was the driver whom stuck at the parking ticket machine for long (maybe). So i was telling myself, wow do good and shall receive good is real, but dont do good in hopes of having good return. pretty much a moral lesson nonetheless.
instant karma I would say. But then again, doing good is not all about giving blindly without a rational state of mind. Buddha himself asked us to question every scenario before you believe or accept what was told. So be wise when you take any actions, cause blind faith will bring you nothing XD Happy Wesak Day! Didn't had time for anything else after helping out in the temple though