Monday, 23 May 2011

Pink Dot 2011

Beautiful meaning of love, free to love that is. A video that touches many not just merely on those who are affected but as well as close friends and family members. 

Haha somehow i felt like that suit guy :P my answer would be 'focussing on career first' LOL! hopefully have the courage like many 'IM GAY!' :D

Pink Dot 2011 Hong Lim Park is a place to go. That is where I will be with bododee! hehe love who i am!


  1. ooolala!! see you then!! :) if you know how i look like la! hahahaha

  2. hahaha, yes yes c u then... never know we might bumb into each other, i will say TULS!? hahahaha peace*

  3. will be there with jason and vincent and my bubu.. pluboy will be there too.. so.. you just look for any of us.. shout tuls? also can de... hahahahaha...

  4. okie dokie! hehehe :D and some 'my relatives' i think they will b going la. whom i called suk suk hahahaha :P
